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Black Hawk Lodge 67 (Complete Flap Collection)


Lodge Issues (taken from OAimages.com)
S1a WHT R DBL WHT YEL RED Charter Member; BLU WWW; FF   
S1b WHT R DBL WHT YEL RED Charter Member, looser-knit rolled edge; BLU WWW; FF
S2 RED R M/C RED DYL Flying hawk over river   
S3 WHT R MAR WHT WHT Campership Fund Section C-6A WWW; issued by Section   
S4?        (NOAC04;) 
S5?        (2005 Jamboree) 

Blue Book Chapter Listings


No known chapter issues    
X1?        (OA Troop Rep Achievemment Award)  

Silver Tomahawk

J1 M/C C M/C RED BEG RED 'WWW'; BLK 'Tribe of the' shield shaped w/ hanging feathers    
X1 BLU C RED GRY RED "GRY 'Charter Member', Chevron shaped w/button hole"    
X2 M/C C M/C - - "Single feather w/beige side, add on to J1"    
X3 M/C C M/C - - "Single feather w/gray side, add on to J1"    
eR2003 BLU R WHT BLK YEL RED 'Silver Tomahawk Conclave' 'WWW' (2003 Conclave)  

Lodge Event Patches

(Listings from Blue Book IV. Please send information on unlisted issues to this lodge's regional editor.)

eR2003 BLU R WHT BLK YEL Silver Tomahawk Conclave  


eR2004 Silver Tomahawk Conclave 04

Issues in green are currently in my collection


Images of My Current Collection:







Silver Tomahawk Chapter Fall Conclave '04

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